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Testimonial #102

Just wanted to drop a line and say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the excellent time we had at the fundraiser the night of Nov 12th. Not too often that I would travel farther than 5 miles for a fundraiser (I would just tell them they were logistically screwed) let alone a political one. I however was pleasantly suprised with the killer routine you presented. When you came out staring at all I said oh bother not another wanna be, but you dispelled that notion extremely quick. Your patiance putting up with Shiela, the fun you had with her husband, and the enlightening conversation you had with their son on the phone was well worth the travel. The lesbians loved the attention, Joe Bob and Billy Bob and their Sister/Mother/Grandmother even looked like they had awakened from the dead and enjoyed themselves. While it may have appeared some of us at Franks table were not having fun, we were just totally dumbstruck (especially me!) I dont think I even blinked once during your act.

Anyhow, thanks for the great time, and I deffinately look forward to seeing you again very soon. Have a nice holiday Dave! Im off to do Florida 🙂

Bill Florenzano Waste Haven, CT