So picture this, I took the day off Friday to work on a rock wall next to our house and after a long day was looking forward to goinghome and getting some rest before I go back at it again on Saturday. My wife shows up close to dusk at 7:00 and tells me she wants to drive 30 minutes to Cheshire to meet her friends at some place called Cuginos and see a comedy act at I never heard of at 9:00. But of course, “You don’t have to go if you’re too tired”. (Loosely translates to “No sex this weekend if you don’t go”.) And you just want to take her head and do you know what with it ” but you don’t – but you want to – but you don’t – but you want too”.
Suffice to say we went and I had a great time. (My wife was right) You have one of the funniest and original shows. My mouth really was hurting from laughing so hard. Thanks for the great show. You really do give 100%. I look forward to seeing your show again.
Steve Nowacki Newtown, CT