I wasn’t to excited when my girlfriend said we were going to this event it was $60 bucks and I had to bring my own food, so I thought it was gonna suck. Then you came out and I thought great first Guido Sarducci and now a Dice wanna-be,(similar look; totally different act) well I’ve seen Dice a number of times and you blow him away. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time I was actually calling people on the way home and telling them about you. If your in North Jersey I got a whole shit load peole I wanna bring to see you. The fact that you were up there for so long and the flow was just flawless. The laughes just kept coming and you didn’t miss a beat. Thank you for turning what I thought was going to be a shitty waste of money and a lousy night into a great time. YOUR REALLY F**KING FUNNY!! Please put me on whatever list you have and let me know when you in NJ.
Bryan Murray
Good Luck!! Thanks Again.